Performance Max Introduces Search Themes

Emeric Lefort

Getting Started

Launched in 2020, Performance Max campaigns leverage Google's AI to automatically identify the best ad placements across platforms like search, display, YouTube, and Gmail. Over time, these campaigns self-optimize using conversion data.

Google is stepping up its game by introducing "Search Themes" for Performance Max campaigns. This new feature is designed to give advertisers a stronger hand in guiding Google's AI, ensuring their campaigns capture even more relevant search traffic.

Google has rolled out Search Themes in beta for all Performance Max campaigns. This move comes as a direct response to advertisers seeking more control over the automated system. Initial feedback has been promising, and Google aims to offer enhanced search term insights and guidance on using search themes by 2024.

  • What's New with Search Themes?

Performance Max campaigns already utilize various assets like budgets, landing pages, and feeds to determine the best ad placements. With the addition of Search Themes, advertisers can now add specific topics or categories that are pertinent to their business. This not only provides the AI with more context but also fills in any gaps that might exist in the existing data.

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1 – Start with preparing a website strategy

  • Why Use Search Themes?Google believes that this feature will help Performance Max campaigns capture potential search traffic that might have been previously overlooked. This is especially useful in scenarios where:Landing pages might have outdated or incomplete product details.Businesses are venturing into new markets without any performance history.There are new promotions for holidays without any past data.There's a need for comprehensive coverage on vital business themes.
  • Key Points to Remember:Advertisers can add a maximum of 25 search themes for each ad group in a Performance Max campaign.These themes function similarly to phrases and broad match keywords in standard Search campaigns.Brand exclusions and account-level negative keywords remain applicable.The AI will use these themes to match relevant search queries and placements, expanding its reach.

5 – Make your design responsive

The finale: last tidbits on small business website tips

About The Author

Emeric Lefort is an Awarded Data-Led Paid Media Advertiser. He Helps D2C and B2B brands, from startups to Fortune 100. For 15 Years He has Maximized eROAS and overall revenue thanks to Media Mix Modeling (MMM).